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February 16, 2025 Print Version Larger Text Smaller Text
MyMedSuppInfo.com Quick Reference Guide |
First Time Login:
- Go to the http://www.MyMedSuppInfo.com website.
- Make sure that pop-ups are enabled on your computer by doing the following:
- Open Internet Explorer
- On the Tools menu, point to Pop-Up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings
- If you want to see pop-ups from a specific web site, type the address (or URL) of the site in the Address of Web site to allow box, and then click "Add."
- On the Tools menu, point to Pop-Up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings
- In the Secure Sign In section, type in your Sign In ID you provided during the registration process.
- Be sure to type your password in the password field exactly as you entered it during the registration process.
- After you have entered your Sign In ID and password, make sure to click the “Sign In” button only once to submit your login request. You should see a pop-up window informing you that your login request is being processed.
- If it has been longer than 60 days since you last accessed this website, you will be asked to change the password provided. Your password must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Contain alphanumeric characters of no less than 8 characters
- Be a mixture of letters and numbers (A-Z, 0-9)
- Be different from the previous six (6) passwords submitted on this website.
- Following successful login, you will be directed to the ‘Home’ Page. The ‘Home’ Page is your starting place. From the ‘Home’ Page, you can navigate using the tabs to review your personal Medicare Supplement information.
To move around the website you can click tabs, buttons and hyperlinks.
- Tabs are displayed in a row near the top of the page. Each tab takes you to a major section of the website. To let you know where you are, the current tab is highlighted.
- Buttons let you perform an action such as “Submit.” Some buttons are displayed only after you’ve logged on to the website.
- Hyperlinks can appear anywhere on a page and are used to move around the site. Click on the link just like the links on other websites.
- You will also find useful instructions by using the “Need Help?” hyperlinks near the top right corner of most pages.
If you should have questions regarding MyMedSuppInfo.com and would like to speak with a Customer Service Representative, you may call us toll-free between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM EST, Monday – Friday at 1-800-854-0186.