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Q: is a “secure” site. What does "secure" mean?
A: Your account may only be accessed by signing in with your own Sign-In ID and personal password. You should be the only one who has knowledge of this information. This secure connection prevents others from illegally gathering data from you.

You may decide to send information, including personally identifying information. The information you supply, whether through a secure Web form or a standard Web form, is maintained by the company for the purpose of processing your request or inquiry. Confidentiality is a top priority and the company is committed to maintaining the highest level of confidentiality with all of the information we received from our policyholders, health care providers, agents and brokers including the information we received from this Website. Please keep in mind that electronic mail (email) messages are not secure. Therefore you should not include personally identifying information in email.

Q: Is this website secure?
A: Once you enter and submit your Sign-In ID and password, the information is transmitted utilizing secure transmission mechanisms to encrypt and protect your confidential information. The encryption helps prevent your personal information from being captured by third parties.

Q: What can I do to ensure that my experience is secure?
A: Keep your Sign-In ID and password secure and confidential. Do not share them with anyone. Sharing your Sign-In ID and password with other people enables them to access your account.

Remember to sign off of when you finish your session. This website provides a "Logout" link in the upper right-hand corner of your screen, which you should click on when you wish to end your current session.

Medicare Supplement insurance is underwritten by Transamerica Life Insurance Company (TLIC), Cedar Rapids, IA or Transamerica Financial Life Insurance (TFLIC), Harrison, NY. TFLIC is licensed to conduct business in New York. TLIC is authorized to conduct business in all other states.
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