Today’s Date:
March 29, 2025 Print Version Larger Text Smaller Text
Click in any of the questions below to be taken to the answer.
What is the purpose of this website?
MyMedsuppInfo.com is a free, secure online service for accessing your Medicare Supplement information. As a registered user, you will have access to personalized information regarding your Medicare Supplement benefits and services.
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Is there a charge for registering and using the "Your Account" features of the web site?
There are no charges or fees associated with using the mymedsuppinfo.com features on the website.
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Why do some words on the site appear in blue?
This is a common navigation feature on websites. Underlined text is generally a "hyperlink". A hyperlink enables you to quickly jump to another page on the site that provides you with more information related to the underlined words. To use the hyperlink, simply click on the blue text and you will be taken to the linked pages. When you finish looking at the new page, you can return to the page from which you left by clicking the "back" button on your browser menu bar.
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Whom should I call if I have a question about using the site?
If you have problems using the site, including registering or logging into your account, our customer service can help. Call 1-800-752-9797, Monday-Friday, 8a.m. - 6p.m
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I forgot my username and password. How do I obtain them?
You can access your username or password by clicking on the following link: Forgot Your Password. When you submit your forgotten password request an email will be sent to the email address we have on file for you with your password.
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Does this site use "cookies"?
This site uses "cookies" to store information you may enter (such as your age and date of birth). Storing this information in a cookie enables you to move around within the site without re-entering information that may be needed later on another page, such as to search claims or view your account information.
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How do you protect my privacy when I use this site?
Click on the Privacy Policy link at the bottom of every web page to see how we use any information that you provide to us.
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Why do you ask me for so much information when I register for online account access?
This website allows you to view personal information about your health care claims and other personal information. We consider this confidential information and we wish to ensure that we display it only to you.
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Does this site use pop-ups?
Yes, the site does use pop-ups for certain pages. If you want to see these pop-ups on your computer you need to enable this feature in your internet browser.
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What is the Welcome email?
After you register to use MyMedSuppInfo.com, you will receive a password letter in the mail and by email if you opted to provide an email address at the time of registration. The subject line reads, “Welcome to MyMedSuppInfo.com”. This letter is very important. It will contain your password. Do not lose or discard this letter until you have successfully logged in and changed your password.
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How will Customer Service help customers who have lost their letter/email?
Your password will include a mixture of letters and numbers. To protect your security, you won’t be able to change the password until after you have successfully logged in using the new password provided to you. Remember, your password is created especially for you and is not available to anyone else. Don’t share this password with anyone. A Customer Service Representative cannot give you or anyone else your password.
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